Wednesday, 14 September 2016

GSM and RFID BASED PROJECTS, contact for prices

          This project implements the modern way of controlling the irrigation motor or pump using GSM technology. Sensors are attached to the controller which automatically controls the pump when any constraint is overruled like temperature, water level decreasing, abnormal conditions in motor, etc. This information is transferred to farmers via GSM so that motor can be monitored and controlled remotely.

         The main aim of this project is to design a remote monitoring and control system equipment for greenhouse based on GSM network. This project continuously monitors temperature, humidity, soil moisture, etc and thereby controls devices like fans, heating system, water pumps, etc. If any parameter violates its range, the dedicated control hardware controls the devices and also an SMS is transferred to the user.
              This project is useful for detecting the accidents, controlling the speed of the vehicles and sending information of accident location to the control area or any authorized persons. Different sensors like vibration, alcohol, seatbelt checking, vehicle zone area, etc together with control unit controls the speed of the vehicle while GPS and GMS modules enables sending of an SMS about accident location to the control room.

          This project aims to design wireless notice board which automatically updates the information to be sent via SMS from user mobile. This design achieves the multiple display update system irrespective of their location. ARM controller with GMS technology achieves this operation along with audio announcement system.

            The main aim of this project is to implement Automatic Metering Reading (AMR) System for energy meter billing with the use of GSM technology. This GSM based and ARM controlled device continuously measures the energy consumption over a given period of time and accordingly sends the billing information to the customers as well as utility companies.
6.Real time water quality measurement system using GSM: 

            The main aim of this project is to design a real time water quality measurement system to measure the essential qualities of water such as Ph, turbidity, conductivity, temperature and total dissolved solids. This system sends he measured data to remote mobile located at monitoring centre via GSM module.

             The main idea of this project is to facilitate the monitoring of vital signs of the patient using GMS technology. The PIC microcontroller collects the information of patient heart rate and body temperature and sends it to remote mobile located via GMS modem.

             In this project, a regular monitoring or tracking system for vehicle is implemented to know the location and route travelling by the vehicle using GSM and GPS module. The data acquiring unit consists of microcontroller along with GPS and GSM module which acquires the information of exact location and sends it to the remote mobile. GMS mobile with web application at monitoring side gives the vehicle location.

           The main objective of this project is to decrease the damage that being occurred in the event of fire accidents by making aware of accident to the first responders via SMS. This system equipped with smoke detection sensors, microcontroller unit and GSM and GPS module. When the fire accident occurs, this system alerts the fire engine station by sending SMS along with accident place through GPS and GSM modem.

           In this project, a gas sensor attached to the microcontroller unit continuously monitors the leakage of gas. When it detects the leakage, this controller informs the user via SMS through GSM module. It also activates the alarm and exhaust fan automatically in the event of gas leakage.

           This project enhances the services provided by the public transportation management by using GMS and GPS integration technology. In this, bus station module, bus module and base station modules are interconnected with GSM modems where each module consists of microcontroller, GSM modem and PC. User at bus station module can send SMS to base station or bus modules to know the location of bus.

           This project achieves the automatic toll plaza systems by advancing registering of the vehicles via SMS. The GSM modem at the toll plaza generates the password and confirmation SMS to the vehicle owner so that at the time vehicle arrival at toll plaza, waiting of vehicle for registration is completely avoided. RFID based card system automatically deducts the amount when vehicle entered into the toll plaza.

            This systems is designed to replace the high cost PLC based SCADA systems for small industries by implementing GSM based SCADA system. Microcontroller along with GSM modem at field area continuously monitors the various sensors. When user sends SMS to the GSM module at field area, microcontroller unit sends the various parameters information to the user mobile.

            The main aim of this project is to implement an IVR system using GSM module. In this, user can access the particular database information by calling to the GSM modem and by correspondingly pressing proper keys as like service provider customer calling service.

           This project provides the remote control of three phase motor from user mobile phone using GSM technology. This allows user to control the motor via SMS and also facilitates the protection of motor from dry-running, over-current and single phasing.

             The main objective of this project is to implement control system for an autonomous robot by using GSM modem, PIC controller and DTMF decoder. GSM modem attached with robot allows the user to make call so that, upon pressing a key PIC Controller controls the direction of the robot.

               The main intention of this project is to implement flexible and moderate voting system with use of GSM technology. In this, valid votes are stored in the EEPROM of microcontroller and attached GSM modem allows the voter to send their vote from their mobiles. By this way it collects the votes from voters provided it rejects more than one vote from one voter. This GSM modem is connected to the microcontroller using I2C protocol.

               The main aim of this project is to prevent the robbery of ATMs by implementing an ARM based embedded system using GSM technology. MEMS sensor attached to the controller continuously monitors the vibration of ATM, if it senses the ATM movement, it gives the signal to controller so that ATM door is locked via DC motor. This information is passed to the nearby police station through GSM modem.

                This project implements a remote speed monitoring and control system for motor using GSM technology. This design deal with automatic message sending and receiving technique to send the current speed of the motor to remote mobile and to accept the user SMS to control the speed. In this, PWM technique is implemented to control the speed of the motor.

                The objective of this project is to implement a small embedded unit for automobiles that can detect the pollution or emission of pollutants in the vehicle and thereby take control over vehicle engine. This design continuously monitors the pollution caused by the vehicle, if the pollution level is violated; it immediately turns off the vehicle engine and also informs the owner via GSM.

                In this project GSM technology is implemented to control the doors in order to enhance the home security. This design allows the user to open or close the door via SMS through GSM modem and also informs the owner in case of any person trying to access the door via keypad attached to it even for correct or wrong password.

               This project implements the collision detection using IR sensors as well as human detection using PIR sensors on railway track in order to increase the security of railways. GPS and GSM modules on this system send the exact location of cracks on the track to remote authorized mobiles.

              The objective of this project is to provide weather remote monitoring system as well as control system using GSM technology. Various weather parameters like temperature, humidity, gas, etc are acquired and send to the remote mobile via GSM mobile so that user could able to control appliances like fans, water sprinklers, alarm devices, etc remotely.

              This project aims to monitor the water level in the tank remotely using GSM technology. The specified water levels detected by the circuit is send to the remote mobile via GSM modem so that user aware the level information. This project is useful for the industries for remote monitoring of liquids in large tanks.

             This project implements a vehicle parking system upon reservation of slot in parking area using GSM and RFID technology. GSM module attached to this system allows the user for advance booking of slot in parking area. GSM gives an SMS of password and slot number to the remote mobile thereby user can park the car by paying money using RFID card.

                The objective of this project is to build a portable device that can assist with individual safety. A wrist watch type device with one button sends the exact location to the SOS contacts or police station in the emergency conditions. GPS module determines the exact location while GSM module sends that location data to predefined user telephone numbers.

                 In this project, remote monitoring of transformer parameters such as oil level, load current and ambient temperature, etc is performed by using GSM technology. The microcontroller unit along with GSM modem sends the transformer parameters data to remote mobile so that user can monitor any abnormality of transformer from far remote locations.

                The main aim of this project is to integrate LED display systems with GSM technology. This can be useful in public places, hospitals, banks, etc to update the information every time through mobile. The GSM attached with LED display systems receives the user information and accordingly displays.

               The intention of this project is to build a SMS text to voice as well Braille language translator to assist to the blind people. The GSM modem attached to the hardware receives the messages from remote mobile and then translates not only into voice using loudspeaker but also into Braille language. This also facilitates to send the messages to remote mobile by typing letter upon Braille pad attached to this hardware.

                This project implements a system which automatically controls the vehicle ignition system as well as air conditioning system whenever user sends a message to the control unit from mobile. This increases flexibility and facilitates to turn AC earlier as compared with conventional turning ON process of Air conditioning.

                In this project, a robust and efficient method of conveying fault detection information to the utility department is implemented using GSM technology. Whenever fault takes place in transmission and distribution lines such as falling of live conductor on ground, this system automatically stops the power supply as well as generates the SMS and conveys it to the electricity department.

              This project is intended to assist the blind people by implementing stick based device which can capable of navigating the person by GPS and voice modules. The location information will be sent to the GSM module so that it can be conveyed to remote person in order to track the blind people. This system also provides obstacle detection on the path.
               The main aim of this project is to avoid the theft of electricity or power by using GSM technology. This system uses automatic meter reading equipment and GSM module along with tactile sensor to address the power theft problem. When this system detects the theft of power, it automatically generates the SMS and sends it to the electricity department.

               This project builds attendance system for schools and colleges using RFID and GSM technologies. RFID reader collects the attendance and transmits it into the microcontroller. Further this data is logged to the central computer and also sends the message to the parents via GSM module.
35. GSM based home automation system:

             Main aim of this project is to build a fully automated appliance control system for human convenience. One can switch on/off any appliance s per requirement through single message.

36.Biometric based security system with GSM and security alert (finger print):

            This project aims at security by providing a finger print identification module which allows authorized person to enter if any illegal person tries to enter the premises immediately a message is sent to security person or some authorized person for safety.

37. SMS based bank locker security system using GSM technology:


            Main concept behind this project is of a bank locker latch opening using two passwords which are entered through SMS and keypad. Each bank locker will have a GSM modem connected to it. When owner of the bank locker wants to open the locker then he/she has to sends a password through SMS. Then microcontroller connected to GSM modem reads the contents of password. If contents are correct then it will enable the keypad to enter second password. Now user has to enter second password using Keypad. If second password is correct then system allows user to access locker. We have provided a DC motor which will operate when both passwords are correct. Buzzer will be turned on if any one of two password is wrong. Microcontroller sends SMS to user for wrong password as well as for correct password. We have also provided an Infrared sensor in this project. Infrared sensor will be triggered when some person is standing in front of Locker. Then system will send SMS to the owner. This is low warning message as, “Some person is standing in front of your bank locker”. IR sensor will be turned off when user send first password through SMS.



1RFID Security Access Control System:
                    RFID system is used to authorize the tag holder to enter a secure area. It reads the data present on the RFID tag and compares it with data present in the microcontroller. If the data is matched, it displays the status of authorizing the entry which is indicated with a lamp coupled with an LCD display. 


2.  RFID based Attendance System:
                    A RFID tag is used along with the reader to input the details of the employee/ student for tracking their attendance. When the RFID is swiped on the reader, the data of the tag is compared with data in the microcontroller (interfaced to the reader) to identify the user. An LCD is interfaced to the microcontroller to display the name of the user. Additionally, a status button is used to display the overall attendance of the user.
3.  RFID based Passport Details:
                     This project is designed to identify the passenger and display his/her passport details on the display. Each user is allotted with a dedicated RFID tag. This RFID tag when swiped over a reader, access the database on the microcontroller and displays all the required details of that particular user.
4. RFID based Device Control and Authentication:
                         RFID device control system is designed to authorize the tag holder to control a particular device. RFID reader reads the data present on the tag and compares it with data present of the microcontroller. The data if matched will result in accessing the particular device connected to the system. An LCD is interfaced to the microcontroller to display the status of the device. PIC16F8 series microcontroller is used in this project.
  5. RFID based toll plaza system:
                       The details about the vehicles and payment are stored in an RFID based system.
This project explains the working of a simple toll plaza system interfaced with RFID. Each user holds a unique ID for his vehicle. When the user scans his tag while passing through the plaza, a certain amount is deducted from his account. A user may also recharge his account in case of insufficient balance. The project has been developed by interfacing RFID with microcontroller. The relevant messages are also displayed on a 16x2LCD.
5. RFID based paid car parking:
                   RFID based car parking uses a microcontroller along with sensing circuits monitoring entry and exit of cars. The car owners are allowed an entry only when their RFID card is swiped .The amount in the card automatically gets reduced with a display indication besides indicating the available number of parking.An H-bridge arrangement operates the entry and exit boom motors operating clockwise and anticlockwise for opening and closing. A buzzer sound comes while the card is swiped.Upon every entry of a car the parking availability gets reduced by one number while every exit the number increases. 
6. RFID based door access control:
                     The concept of access control is brought about using a card, a corresponding card reader and a control panel interfaced with the server. The card is a proximity card with a unique identification number integrated in it. The reader reads the data and sends it to the control panel, which is the micro controller. This controller checks the validity of the data with the server, which bears the database. The server is loaded with the details about the employee for that number.The control panel checks whether he/she is allowed to enter the particular door or not. If the employee is authentic, then he/she is allowed access in the particular entrance.The employees can be permitted in a given entrance as per his/her designation. The access control is employed at this point. When a person of a particular designation is not supposed to be allowed in a given entrance.
7. RFID based attendance system with real time clock(RTC) with added electronic bell:
                     A RFID tag is used along with the reader to input the details of the employee/ student for tracking their attendance. When the RFID is swiped on the reader, the data of the tag is compared with data in the microcontroller (interfaced to the reader) to identify the user. An LCD is interfaced to the microcontroller to display the name of the user. Additionally, a status button is used to display the overall attendance of the user. Also real time clock has been included for keeping continuous record of start and end of any lecture and electronic bell to indicate the start of lecture.    
8. RFID based library management system:
                   The project titled library management system is library management software for monitoring and controlling he transactions in the library. This project focuses on basic operations in library adding new number , new books and updating  new information , searching books and members and facility to return and borrow books.           
9. RFID based banking system:
                  This project is very used to improve the security performance in the bank. In this project RFID card is used as bank pass book or ATM card. Now day’s some person makes the duplicate ATM card. But in this project RFID card is used for accessing the banking applications. So this project improves the security performance because we cannot make the duplicate RFID card.    When the customer shows the RFID card in the reader, the reader will read the number and send to microcontroller. Then the customer has to press the personal identification number through key pad.  The microcontroller received the card number from the reader compares the stored number if the card is valid the microcontroller    transfers the card information to PC. Through PC we can access the banking application such as saving, withdraw, balance enquiry etc.
10. RFID based health care system:
                    RFID is one of the emerging technologies offering a solution, which can facilitate automating and streamlining safe and accurate patient identification, tracking, and processing important health related information in health care sector such as hospitals . Each RFID tag/wristband is identified by a Unique Identification Number (UIN) that can be programmed either automatically or manually and then password protected to ensure high security. RFID wristband can be issued to every patient at registration, and then it can be used to identify patients during the entire hospitalization period. It can also be used to store patient important data (such as name, patient ID, drug allergies, drugs that the patient is on today, blood group, and so on) in order to dynamically inform staff before critical. RFID encoded wristband data can be read through bed linens, while patients are sleeping without disturbing them [7]. RFID technology provides a method to transmit and receive data from a patient to health service provider/medical professionals without human intervention (i.e., wireless communication). It is an automated data-capture technology that can be used to identify, track, and store patient information electronically contained on RFID wristband (i.e., smart tag).
11. RFID based unmanned petrol pump:
                               The unmanned petrol bunk system, as shown in the figure, is proposed to reduce human work and develop an auto-guided mechanism and to implement the task sequentially by using RFID technology. These systems are highly reliable and less time-consuming devices. The project is implementing as an RFID-based petrol bunk. Users use RFID card: Petro Card with RFID tags including user verification codes. These cards can be recharged at the recharge points. When a user swipes the card through the RFID reader, it senses the amount entered by the user and delivers fuel to the vehicle. Therefore, the amount will be deducted automatically from the user card and the LCD display shows the amount and details of the user.
13. RFID based person tracking:
                               The technology requires some extent of cooperation of an RFID reader and an RFID tag. An RFID tag is an object that can be applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader.."Active" tags are capable of broadcasting their data using their own battery power. In general, this means that the read ranges are much greater for active tags than they are for passive tags— perhaps a read range of 100 feet or more, versus 15 feet or less for most passive tags.
14. RFID based intelligent books shelving system:
                           Searching and sorting misplaced books is a difficult task often carried out by the library personnel. Quite often, librarians are busy with searching misplaced books which are left in wrong locations by library users. It is quite difficult and almost impractical to place back all books to their assigned locations daily. To overcome this, radio frequency identification (RFID) based Intelligent shelving system has been proposed to provide an efficient mechanism of books management monitoring through wireless communication between the RFID reader and the books. It is quite essential for the proposed system to have a smooth motion for the RFID reader during the shelving operation; otherwise acquired data will have no value due to inconsistency in reading the tags. Consequently, in this paper, the performance of RFID reader motion and tags data management such as retrieving information, matching with database, sorting out the order and displaying the status of books locations are discussed. A prototype consisting of monitoring PC with embedded controller, two dc motors with drivers, RFID reader and aluminum frame stick on rack have been developed. The performance of the proposed system has been investigated and found to be satisfactory. And it has a lot of potential applications, especially in its ability to alleviate the intensive labors and efforts in shelving  books.
15. RFID based railway reservation:
17.  RFID based ration card:
18. Medi-card for patients:

20. RFID based voting machine:
21. RFID based garage door open:
22. RFID based person counter:
23. RFID based animal identification system:
24. RFID based prepaid card for canteen management system:
25. RFID warehouse robot:

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